This just in, Special Report, 4 October 2003

At this time we are not 100% sure what happened, the Model Aviation Administration (MAA)  inspection team is being very hush, hush about this accident.  The MAA will not release any information until the investigation is completed, and the report has been filed.  The report is not expected to be completed for months, and may become classified and never released, dependent upon the findings of the MAA team.  There were several injuries in the accident, most were minor with the pilot having the worst injuries, suffering mostly form a severely bruised ego.  Names of the injured individuals are being withheld until notification of next of kin.

Our in the field reporters were able to sneak in a couple of photos during a what appears to be a portion of the MAA investigation, again, no comments were available from the MAA. 

There have been rumors that this accident will more than likely receive the Northern Knights crash trophy.

WARNING: Only view these photo's if you have a strong heart.  Not recommend for children under 18 years of age or persons with pace makers.  The photo on the left depict extreme carnage, produced from violent acts.
Please click on the picture to see a larger version

This report will be update with further details upon arrival.  Send any comments you may have to 

Below are updates/information received by our reporters.

"To MAA, from kin folks.             
Sorry to hear about the Northern Knights having to apply an investigation on a certain subject CRASH. 
The ego factor will be your big big job              
I remain no name KIN

Please click on the picture to see a larger version

Review board findings for the recent Falcon 4-Motor crash:

(Editors Note) 8 October 2003, these findings were released much quicker than originally anticipated and may require amendment in the future if additional information is received..

1. The pilot was properly certificated and current in model and type.
2. The aircraft was a proven design and previously flown on many occasions with good flying and stable characteristic.
3. The weather was clear, no clouds, light winds with unrestricted visibility.  Even the Sun was at the back of the pilot offering a clear and crisp view of the aircraft.  Meteorology did not factor into the crash, except as noted below.
4. All flying of the model was appropriately done within the confines of the permitted flying area.
5. The frequency was pinned and no one else at the field was on or near the frequency in use, hence the aircraft was not "shot" down.
6. Post accident investigations revealed a very wet bottom and saturated foam around battery pack and receiver; this was due to flying in rainy weather conditions several weeks prior to the crash.  While the saturated foam and wet receiver may have contributed to a higher drain on the battery, a direct short of the battery could not be ascertained as to whether it happened before or after the crash.
7. The pilot did charge the battery pack prior to arriving at the field.  No subsequent checks were accomplished.
8. The impact of the aircraft was such that excessive G-forces made this a non-survivable accident and which caused numerous groans, downward glances from fellow pilots and put a damper on a great day of flying.

Probable cause of accident:

The pilot unable to maintain control of the aircraft due to drained battery pack.


1. The pilot review the 7 P's of aviation which are: Proper Preflight Planning Prevents Pitiful Poor Performance
2. The pilot use his expanded scale voltmeter on the flight pack after each flight and provide a how-to at the next club meeting.


Gary with friends like us who needs enemies...
For  information on becoming an official Day Dream Believer project sponsor contact Gary Himes.