Week 32  -  2 July 2003

During this past week Rick got the other 3 weed eaters, Gary got the motor mounts made and Greg checked on possible carb replacements.  We have decided to put off replacing the carb for a while.

Work started off with talking a little about the modifications required for the motor.  We then figured the needed firewall placement, which is further back than shown on the plans and cut off the nacelle splines as required.

Next, the nacelle formers  needed to be sanded to allow the splines to slide through.  All 4 nacelles were first put together for a "dry run" then checked for accuracy.  You must be careful because no two nacelles are the same, they are all left and rights similar to the wing panel construction.  Once we were happy and had every thing triple checked, we
then glued the nacelles together.

Now after some more studying, measuring and checking we made the cut into the wing for the outboard starboard nacelle and tack glued in place.  With this being done we called it a night.

For a little orientation for the pictures.  All pictures tonight, are taken with the port outboard panel removed and the starboard outboard panel installed.  Even though only one nacelle is installed, the others are shown in the appropriate position on the wing panels.
Gary Himes

Week 33     -     9 July 2003

This week left Gary & Rick to work alone again as Greg is on vacation in Idaho. 

Tonight we got the other three basic nacelle structures cut into the wing.  Next we got the nacelles properly lined up and permanently glued into place.  This really don't sound like much, but it took us a total of 6 man-hours to achieve this.

I have been known to air my complaints when the arise.  This one lays on Don Smith's Plans.  Because of the dihedral the wing ribs are sitting at an angle.  The nacelles formers are sitting vertical.  Now the problem, the inboard nacelle former falls dead center with one of the wing ribs.   This means you must groove or notch the center of this rib to allow the nacelle former  to be in the proper place.

The pictures are shown tonight with the out board sections installed.   In the small building room I had a hard time getting a picture of the whole wing, so attached is my best shot.

-- Gary Himes

For  information on becoming an official Day Dream Believer project sponsor contact Gary Himes.

Day Dream Believer